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Calabash fruit for treatment of diabetes, asthma, cancer, cough and more

Ever tried consuming calabash? If you haven’t heard before about it, bear in mind that it is considered a versatile tropical vegetable and you’re about to find out why. The versatility of the Calabash tree resides not only in its various medicinal properties provided by different parts of the tree, but also in its shells, with the help of which a wide array of household utensils can be made. Moreover, let’s not forget about its culinary role and its contribution to some wonderful and tasty recipes. If this miraculous vegetable has stirred your interest about its advantages in cooking and health, read on to discover what it has to offer!

As previously revealed, calabash can be referred to as a valuable medicinal herb because various parts of this tree contribute to treating and alleviating different ailments. For example, the pulp is well-known as a herbal remedy for its efficiency in dealing with respiratory problems such as asthma and cough. The juice from the pulp is used along with cinnamon, anise and nutmeg to prepare a herbal syrup which lessens chest disorders and treats gastrointestinal aches. It contains vitamin B1 and a rich amount of vitamin C. Its nutritional content includes calcium, iron, sodium and potassium.
The decoction of the bark can be used to cure wounds and the leaves have the ability to decrease blood pressure and headaches. These leaves can also be crushed and applied on wounds to favor clotting and healing. You may as well warm the fruit and apply it to abscesses or boils to reduce infections. Furthermore, calabash also acts as a purgative and laxative herb, because it helps purify the body if mixed with castor oil.


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